Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A big city and A small town

Nowadays a lot of people like to live in a big city. On the other hand same people prefer living in a small town or village. I'm going to compare and contrast a big city and a small town.
There are several similarities between them. The first similarity is both big city and small town have houses. The next similarity is both of them have water and electric facilities. A further similarity is both of them have schools, clinics, hospitals and garages. Finally, the last similarity is both a big city and a small town have streets.
 Although, there are several similarities between them, there also many differences. The first difference is a big city has tall buildings whereas a small town has small houses. The next difference is a big city has malls, but a small town has markets. A further difference is a small town has farmers, whereas a big city has just parks. The next difference is a small town may have mountains, but on the other hand a big city has tall buildings. What’s more there are no restaurants and cinemas in a small town.
As you have seen, there are many things that you can do in a big city, whereas in a small town there is nothing to do. But in a small town there are wonderful places to visit and to see. A big city is very croweded and noisy, but in a small town it’s not the same.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Living in the UAE

Compare and Contrast
The life in the UAE in the past was very difficult and hard, but it became more easy and comfortable. I ‘m going to compare and contrast the life in the UAE forty years ago to today.
The are several similarities between life in the UAE in the past to the present. The first similarity is that the weather was as hot as it is now. Another point they have in common is people are still wearing dishdashas has and sandals. A further similarity is the royal family. Finally, the last similarity is the Arabic language was the same as now.
Although there are several similarities about living in the UAE, there are also many differences about living in the UAE. The first difference is that people in the past worked in fishing, hunting, shepherding and farmers. Nowadays people work like engineers, pilots and doctors. Another difference is that people were eating rice and harees, but nowadays they are eating fast food and other countries' food. A further dissimilarity is that people were living in small houses which were built of wood and stone. Nowadays people build big houses by using cement   and iron. The final difference is people were using camels, horses and donkeys, whereas now they use cars, buses and planes.
As you have seen, the life in the UAE now is better and has become more comfortable, because we use cars and we have many choices for jobs. I prefer to live in the present rather than the past. 
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