Wednesday, November 24, 2010

orange juice process

The orange juice is a very healthy juice. It is full of vitamin C. A lot of people like it, but they don’t know how to make it. I will describe how orange juice is made.

Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from trucks. Second the oranges are graded. Third the oranges are washed by water. Next the oranges are sized. After that the orange juice is sent to the juice extractor and the peel is sent to animal feed. Than the orange juice is evaporatored at high temperature for a short time. Next the orange juice is concentrated. Next the juice is refrigerated and stored. After that the juice is canned by machine and shipped to Dubai. Finally, water is added to the concentrated juice and sold in the markets.

As you have seen, this is how they make the orange juice. It is a very long process to get fresh juice.
153 word  

Monday, November 8, 2010

Synonyms (1)

1.    Appealing = attractive
2.    Permanent =lifelong
3.    Ambitious = challenging
4.    Pioneers =  explorers
5.    Modest = inexpensive
6.    Hazardous = dangerous
7.    Essential = crucial
8.    Establish = set up
9.    Goal = aim
10. Spirit = motivating force

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Reflection (2)

Mr. Hedley said that we have to write about 250 words in four paragraphs and it is about compare and contrast. I would like to explain to you. The first paragraph is the introduction that gives us some idea about the subject and it takes 20 words. The second paragraph is the similarities between the two subjects and it’s about 100 words. The third paragraph is the differences between the two subjects and it takes 100 words. The final paragraph is the conclusion that gives as the summery in similarities and differences and information about your ideas.

100 words