Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How to change a tyre

How to change a tyre.
Many people in this world can’t change a car tyre. These are steps that you have to following to change the tyre.
Firstly, the nuts are loosened. The second step is the car is jacked up. The third step is the nuts are removed. the next step is the tyre is removed and the spare wheel is put on. After that the nuts are tightened and the car is lowered. Finally, the nuts are tightened and the tools are put away.

As you have seen, it’s not a long process but you have to be careful.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Trip to Niah Caves

30 years ago Mr. Hedley and his wife and daughter went on the trip to Niah Caves in Sarawak in east Malaysia. The trip started in the early morning from Brunei. Mr. Hedley had a Datsun car which is made by the Nissan Company. He used his old car on the trip. After he reached the river he carried his car by using one ferry to reach the other side. Hedley thought that he would arrive in Sarawak in early afternoon, but he arrived late. Mr. Hedley and his family stayed in a government rest house. In the rest house Mr. Hedley saw a group of jungle scientists. Next day they went to the Niah Caves. The opening of the caves was huge and high. The caves were very stinky and there were several bamboo poles. Inside the caves Mr. Hedley saw bats and birds’ nests and the Malaysian people climbed to the top of the caves to catch birds’ nests. The next day Mr. Hedley and his family returned to Brunei. The highs that Hedley liked was the caves and living in the jungle without air-conditioning, but the low was he damaged his car.
193 words          

Monday, December 13, 2010


posspart = passsport

bank stats = bank statement

local paper

strang test = strange taste

out door activities

polatics = politics

West  A frica

roler coperative = rural cooperative

favreit = favourite subject

gyografy = geography

physics , history , chemistry , biology

engineering , mechanical

Monday, December 6, 2010

National Day

This weekend I celebrated National Day in Dubai. I was driving along the Jumeira Street and it was full of cars.
We left Abu Dhabi on Wednesday afternoon and drove to Dubai. The drive took us about forty five minutes. We checked into Habtoor Hotel which is near to Jumeira Walks. It is a wonderful place and it attracts a lot of people and it has a lot of shops and restaurants with an amazing beach. On Wednesday evening we drove to Jumeira Street to join the procession of cars. People were happy and danced. Suddenly a group of boys walked between the cars and they were wearing masks. They started spraying the people  who were in the cars. Other people were making smoke from the wheels by pressing the accelerator and braking at the sometime. Whereas others made music and sang. On the next street some people were taking pictures. Some of the people were wearing the UAE flag whereas others wore logos with the picture of Sheikh Khalifa. It was a funny and dangerous way to explain how we were happy on this day. At the end of the day we went to Jumeira Walks and we had a delicious dinner.
It was a wonderful day; I met new friends and old friends on this National Day.
220 words

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

orange juice process

The orange juice is a very healthy juice. It is full of vitamin C. A lot of people like it, but they don’t know how to make it. I will describe how orange juice is made.

Firstly, the fruit is unloaded from trucks. Second the oranges are graded. Third the oranges are washed by water. Next the oranges are sized. After that the orange juice is sent to the juice extractor and the peel is sent to animal feed. Than the orange juice is evaporatored at high temperature for a short time. Next the orange juice is concentrated. Next the juice is refrigerated and stored. After that the juice is canned by machine and shipped to Dubai. Finally, water is added to the concentrated juice and sold in the markets.

As you have seen, this is how they make the orange juice. It is a very long process to get fresh juice.
153 word  

Monday, November 8, 2010

Synonyms (1)

1.    Appealing = attractive
2.    Permanent =lifelong
3.    Ambitious = challenging
4.    Pioneers =  explorers
5.    Modest = inexpensive
6.    Hazardous = dangerous
7.    Essential = crucial
8.    Establish = set up
9.    Goal = aim
10. Spirit = motivating force

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Reflection (2)

Mr. Hedley said that we have to write about 250 words in four paragraphs and it is about compare and contrast. I would like to explain to you. The first paragraph is the introduction that gives us some idea about the subject and it takes 20 words. The second paragraph is the similarities between the two subjects and it’s about 100 words. The third paragraph is the differences between the two subjects and it takes 100 words. The final paragraph is the conclusion that gives as the summery in similarities and differences and information about your ideas.

100 words

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A big city and A small town

Nowadays a lot of people like to live in a big city. On the other hand same people prefer living in a small town or village. I'm going to compare and contrast a big city and a small town.
There are several similarities between them. The first similarity is both big city and small town have houses. The next similarity is both of them have water and electric facilities. A further similarity is both of them have schools, clinics, hospitals and garages. Finally, the last similarity is both a big city and a small town have streets.
 Although, there are several similarities between them, there also many differences. The first difference is a big city has tall buildings whereas a small town has small houses. The next difference is a big city has malls, but a small town has markets. A further difference is a small town has farmers, whereas a big city has just parks. The next difference is a small town may have mountains, but on the other hand a big city has tall buildings. What’s more there are no restaurants and cinemas in a small town.
As you have seen, there are many things that you can do in a big city, whereas in a small town there is nothing to do. But in a small town there are wonderful places to visit and to see. A big city is very croweded and noisy, but in a small town it’s not the same.
248 word     

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Living in the UAE

Compare and Contrast
The life in the UAE in the past was very difficult and hard, but it became more easy and comfortable. I ‘m going to compare and contrast the life in the UAE forty years ago to today.
The are several similarities between life in the UAE in the past to the present. The first similarity is that the weather was as hot as it is now. Another point they have in common is people are still wearing dishdashas has and sandals. A further similarity is the royal family. Finally, the last similarity is the Arabic language was the same as now.
Although there are several similarities about living in the UAE, there are also many differences about living in the UAE. The first difference is that people in the past worked in fishing, hunting, shepherding and farmers. Nowadays people work like engineers, pilots and doctors. Another difference is that people were eating rice and harees, but nowadays they are eating fast food and other countries' food. A further dissimilarity is that people were living in small houses which were built of wood and stone. Nowadays people build big houses by using cement   and iron. The final difference is people were using camels, horses and donkeys, whereas now they use cars, buses and planes.
As you have seen, the life in the UAE now is better and has become more comfortable, because we use cars and we have many choices for jobs. I prefer to live in the present rather than the past. 
252 WORD

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Mr. Hedley said that we have to write about three paragraphs on each subject. I would like to explain to you. The first paragraph is the introduction which is about 25-30 words. The second paragraph is the main idea and we have to use imperatives, words like do that, do this, move, check, separate, add and cut. In the same paragraph you add first, secand, then, next, after that and finally. In this one you can write about 100 words. The last paragraph is the conclusion and we write about 25-30 words.  
91 words      

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to make butter by hand

A lot of people like to eat butter. Many women like to cook by using butter. To make butter you have to follow the steps.
The first step is check the fresh milk for quality and fat content by heat. The second step is to leave the milk to cool down. The third step is you cool the milk, then you have to separate the cream from the milk. After you separate the cream you should churn the cream. The next step is to drain the buttermilk from the butter. Then you must place the butter in a jar. The next step is to wash the butter with cold water to remove remaining butter milk. The next step is you should add a small amount of salt for flavor. The penultimate step is to cut and wrap the butter. Finally, store the butter in a fridge.
As you can see, it’s a very long procedure but it’s an easy way to make butter. Enjoy your meal with delicious butter.
169 word

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to book a holiday

It is nice to take your family around for a holiday and it's good to see a new country and new traditions. People like to go on holiday, to change their life routine. These are the steps that people should take.

The first step is research for wonderful places such as France, UK, the USA and Australia by using the internet or holiday travel books. The second step is to find the best five star hotel then book it. Then look after nice places that you can visit and book. Next make a booking with Etihad airlines. After that don’t forget health insurance from Etihad airlines. Finally go to the bank to exchange your money.

In conclusion, as we have seen, it is easy to book a holiday, but be careful that you are searching in the right website or in the 2010 holiday travel book and have a nice holiday.

150 words