Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Trip to Niah Caves

30 years ago Mr. Hedley and his wife and daughter went on the trip to Niah Caves in Sarawak in east Malaysia. The trip started in the early morning from Brunei. Mr. Hedley had a Datsun car which is made by the Nissan Company. He used his old car on the trip. After he reached the river he carried his car by using one ferry to reach the other side. Hedley thought that he would arrive in Sarawak in early afternoon, but he arrived late. Mr. Hedley and his family stayed in a government rest house. In the rest house Mr. Hedley saw a group of jungle scientists. Next day they went to the Niah Caves. The opening of the caves was huge and high. The caves were very stinky and there were several bamboo poles. Inside the caves Mr. Hedley saw bats and birds’ nests and the Malaysian people climbed to the top of the caves to catch birds’ nests. The next day Mr. Hedley and his family returned to Brunei. The highs that Hedley liked was the caves and living in the jungle without air-conditioning, but the low was he damaged his car.
193 words          

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