Sunday, February 20, 2011

Top Ten Date-Producing Countries

The bar chart shows the top ten date producing countries and their annual production in tonnes in 2001.  Egypt  produced the most dates.
The top three producers were Egypt, Iran and the UAE. While the smaller producers  are Libya, Sudan and Algeria. What's more is Egypt has 200,000 tonnes more than Iran. In addition the UAE has twice as many tonnes as Algeria. Furthermore 2,700,000 tons of dates were produced by Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE . The six countries which produced more than half a million tonnes are Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Libya and Sudan accounted for  less than 200,000 tonnes, while Oman's production was a fifth of Egypt’s figure. However Libya produces fewer dates than the other nine countries. Finally, the only two countries which had the same tonnes were Iraq and Pakistan.
As you have seen, dates became one of the most popular product in the world.  Egypt has got more tonnes than any other country.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine’s Day Gifts

The two pie charts compare the types of gifts that men and women in the USA buy for each other on Valentine’s Day.
First, the top three gifts are cards, candy and flowers. More women buy candy and cards then men.  More men, 10% bought perfume and cologne whereas 4% of women bought them. In addition 1% of women bought spa and personal care, but 6% of men bought them. Men and women bought nearly the same percent in jewelry gifts. Although seven percent of men prefer to buy lingerie, fewer women prefer to buy lingerie.
To conclude, the most popular gift that men and women would like to buy is cards. Also between 17% to 25% men and women prefer to buy other gifts.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

UK Government pie chart

This pie chart has information on what the UK government spent in 1996. The total budget was £ 315 billion, divided into ten categories.
The highest budget category is spent on social security and it cost £ 100 billion. However health and personal social services came in second position and it cost £ 53 billion. The debt interest, defence, and other expenditure all had budgets between £ 22 to 25 billion. The third highest budget went to education and it cost £ 38 billion. The budget in housing heritage and environment cost £ 15 billion, whereas law and order cost £ 17 billion. Also the government spent £ 13 billion on industry, agriculture and employment. The lowest budget was the transport and it cost only £ 9 billion.
This chart shows us that the social security had the biggest share of the UK government spending in 1996.
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