Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Problems and Solutions in Weight

Nowadays many people in the UAE are obese or very weight. In this time there are different kinds of fast food restaurants. I am going to write about the problem and suggest solutions.
The main reason for this problem is lack of exercise. This means lots of people don’t play sport. However the government builds many places that people can use for sport such as running, cycling and basketball. Another problem is some people over eat; for example at the lunch time they eat fat food mixing it with types of sugary food. Furthermore they are a number of new restaurants, for example McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC and Dunkin' Donuts. Finally, many people comfort eat, for example when they are sad they eat a lot.
One solution is to reduce the weight. This can be done by eating fruit and vegetables. However there are some kinds of restaurants which sell healthier food such as Subway. Another possible solution is health clubs where people can do exercise, for example the Gulf Healthy Club and the horse riding club. A further solution to reduce weight is to educate people to control eating, for example by TV and reading books. Finally, people should go to the doctor to have routine medical checks.
As you have seen, these are some ideas to help solve the problem. The most viable solution is eating healthy food, taking exercise and routine medicals.
233 Words    

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