Sunday, April 24, 2011

Line Graph Population Growth 1750 to 2150

This line chart shows the information about population growth in richer and poorer countries between 1750 and 2150. These estimates are by the United Nations World Population prospects and the Population Reference Bureau.
In 2000 the population was 6.1 billion in the whole world. United Nations world population prospects expected over ten billion population growth in 2150, whereas in 1750 it was less than one billion. What’s more from 2000 to 2050 the population will rise by about a half. Furthermore the United Nations world population prospects predict the population will gradually increase from 2050 to 2150. What it shows in the graph is that between 1950 and 2000 there was a sharp increase from 2.1 billion to 6.1 billion. Finally, if we go back from 1750 to 1900 the growth didn’t reach one billion.
As we have seen, the population of the world is still growing, whereas between 1950 to 2000 there was a sharp increase but not much change from 1750 to 1900.
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