Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Smoke is Harmful

Nowadays many people like to smoke. However in my opinion, I believe smoking is harmful in some ways.
The first point I would like to tell you is smoking helps people to relax and improve their concentration. For example, some of our students ask the teacher to have a break, because they can’t concentrate on the subject. Also I believe it is about freedom. For example we can’t tell them to stop smoking while we see them in the street, because it is their choice. I would also argue that it has become kind of stylish. For example the businessmen smoke cigars to show that they are rich and powerful. The main reason that I feel this is a hard life forces them to smoke. For example after working for a long time in the office.
In my opinion, smoking is harmful in some ways. The first argument is because of heart attacks. Another argument is difficulty in breathing; for example our lungs can become heavy and black. A further issue is preventing smoking in the mall, because smoking will affect the people in the mall and will pollute the air. Finally, smoking will affect the teeth, because they will become yellow and dirty and finally will fall out.
As you have seen, smoking is very harmful and it causes heart disease and will affect people in the mall. In the end smoking is about freedom and helps people to relax and improve their concentration.
253 Word  

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