Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Capital Punishment

Nowadays capital punishment is the sentence of death upon a person by judicial process as punishment for an offence.
The first point against is maybe the criminals had bad parents or no parents to teach them right from wrong.  Another point is that two wrongs do not make a right; capital punishment is just legal murder. A further point is that there is always a possibility of an innocent person being executed. In my country for killing by mistake the capital punishment will not be enforced; for example car accidents and sport games. One more point is our country will not execute anyone who killed someone to defend his family.          
In my opinion, dangerous criminals should be executed. The first argument is to teach potential criminals; for example if we show the execution  on the TVs the criminals will be scared and they will stop killing people and they will try to find a job.  Another argument is without fear; for example people can leave their children to play outside in the street alone. A further argument is to help tourism. Why? Because many people will not visit any country with a high percentage of criminals. Finally, the obvious one is that if you kill someone you deserve to pay with your own life.
As you have seen, killing is a bad thing. There has to be a deterrent. In the end capital punishment is the right way to stop criminals and for the people to live in peace.
249 Words

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