Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Train Systems Operating In Five Cities.

This table describes the information about the underground train systems operating in five cities.
    London has the oldest underground train system, opened in 1863; it also has the longest rail length and it is 394 kilometers; in terms of the five cities London is in the middle of the number of passengers in 2010. Paris has an older train system than Tokyo. What’s more Paris has 44 kilometers more length than Tokyo, but Tokyo has the biggest number of passengers in 2010 and it is about 192 millions. Kyoto has the lowest number of passengers and length in terms of the five cities, and Kyoto opened the train system in 1981. The newest underground train system is in Boston; it opened in 2001. Boston has 28 kilometers length, which is 17 kilometers more than Kyoto. What’s more Boston has 50 million passengers, which is only 5 million more than Kyoto in 2010.
As we have seen, London has the oldest train system. What’s more Paris has the second oldest train system with 44 kilometer length more than Tokyo and three million fewer passengers than Tokyo, whereas Boston has the newest train system.
196 Words

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