Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Capital Punishment

Nowadays capital punishment is the sentence of death upon a person by judicial process as punishment for an offence.
The first point against is maybe the criminals had bad parents or no parents to teach them right from wrong.  Another point is that two wrongs do not make a right; capital punishment is just legal murder. A further point is that there is always a possibility of an innocent person being executed. In my country for killing by mistake the capital punishment will not be enforced; for example car accidents and sport games. One more point is our country will not execute anyone who killed someone to defend his family.          
In my opinion, dangerous criminals should be executed. The first argument is to teach potential criminals; for example if we show the execution  on the TVs the criminals will be scared and they will stop killing people and they will try to find a job.  Another argument is without fear; for example people can leave their children to play outside in the street alone. A further argument is to help tourism. Why? Because many people will not visit any country with a high percentage of criminals. Finally, the obvious one is that if you kill someone you deserve to pay with your own life.
As you have seen, killing is a bad thing. There has to be a deterrent. In the end capital punishment is the right way to stop criminals and for the people to live in peace.
249 Words

Capital Punishment

Nowadays capital punishment is the sentence of the death upon a person by judicial process as punishment for an offence.
The first point is maybe the criminals had bad parents or no parents to teach him right from wrong. Another point is joined drug dealers, for example when the drug addict didn’t pay for the drug, so the drug dealer will kill him. Further point is joined grapes of the thieves, for example a very day or night trying to steal money from the banks, houses and shops, so they have to kill someone to caver directory of witnesses and to intimidation people. Final point is some people killed because of take revenge from someone hates or stealing something from him or for blood revenge.
In my opinion, capital punishment should dangerous criminals be execrated. The first argument is lessons criminals, for example if we show the execrate on the TVs the criminals will scared and they will stop killing people and they will try to find a job.  Another argument is without a fear, for example people can leave them children to play outside in the street alone. Further argument is help for tourism, why because many people will not visit any country with highest percentage of criminals.
As you have seen, kills is very bad thing. What’s more criminals such of human who didn’t have sense feeling about pain. In the end capital punishment is the right way to stop criminates and for the people to live in peace.
251 Words

Capital Punishment

Nowadays capital punishment is the sentence of the death upon a person by judicial process as punishment for an offence.
The first point is maybe the criminals had bad parents or no parents to teach him right from wrong. Another point is joined drug dealers, for example when the drug addict didn’t pay for the drug, so the drug dealer will kill him. Further point is joined grapes of the thieves, for example a very day or night trying to steal money from the banks, houses and shops, so they have to kill someone to caver directory of witnesses and to intimidation people. Final point is some people killed because of take revenge from someone hates or stealing something from him or for blood revenge.
In my opinion, capital punishment should dangerous criminals be execrated. The first argument is lessons criminals, for example if we show the execrate on the TVs the criminals will scared and they will stop killing people and they will try to find a job.  Another argument is without a fear, for example people can leave them children to play outside in the street alone. Further argument is help for tourism, why because many people will not visit any country with highest percentage of criminals.
As you have seen, kills is very bad thing. What’s more criminals such of human who didn’t have sense feeling about pain. In the end capital punishment is the right way to stop criminates and for the people to live in peace.
251 Words

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Train Systems Operating In Five Cities.

This table describes the information about the underground train systems operating in five cities.
    London has the oldest underground train system, opened in 1863; it also has the longest rail length and it is 394 kilometers; in terms of the five cities London is in the middle of the number of passengers in 2010. Paris has an older train system than Tokyo. What’s more Paris has 44 kilometers more length than Tokyo, but Tokyo has the biggest number of passengers in 2010 and it is about 192 millions. Kyoto has the lowest number of passengers and length in terms of the five cities, and Kyoto opened the train system in 1981. The newest underground train system is in Boston; it opened in 2001. Boston has 28 kilometers length, which is 17 kilometers more than Kyoto. What’s more Boston has 50 million passengers, which is only 5 million more than Kyoto in 2010.
As we have seen, London has the oldest train system. What’s more Paris has the second oldest train system with 44 kilometer length more than Tokyo and three million fewer passengers than Tokyo, whereas Boston has the newest train system.
196 Words

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Smoke is Harmful

Nowadays many people like to smoke. However in my opinion, I believe smoking is harmful in some ways.
The first point I would like to tell you is smoking helps people to relax and improve their concentration. For example, some of our students ask the teacher to have a break, because they can’t concentrate on the subject. Also I believe it is about freedom. For example we can’t tell them to stop smoking while we see them in the street, because it is their choice. I would also argue that it has become kind of stylish. For example the businessmen smoke cigars to show that they are rich and powerful. The main reason that I feel this is a hard life forces them to smoke. For example after working for a long time in the office.
In my opinion, smoking is harmful in some ways. The first argument is because of heart attacks. Another argument is difficulty in breathing; for example our lungs can become heavy and black. A further issue is preventing smoking in the mall, because smoking will affect the people in the mall and will pollute the air. Finally, smoking will affect the teeth, because they will become yellow and dirty and finally will fall out.
As you have seen, smoking is very harmful and it causes heart disease and will affect people in the mall. In the end smoking is about freedom and helps people to relax and improve their concentration.
253 Word  

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Line Graph Population Growth 1750 to 2150

This line chart shows the information about population growth in richer and poorer countries between 1750 and 2150. These estimates are by the United Nations World Population prospects and the Population Reference Bureau.
In 2000 the population was 6.1 billion in the whole world. United Nations world population prospects expected over ten billion population growth in 2150, whereas in 1750 it was less than one billion. What’s more from 2000 to 2050 the population will rise by about a half. Furthermore the United Nations world population prospects predict the population will gradually increase from 2050 to 2150. What it shows in the graph is that between 1950 and 2000 there was a sharp increase from 2.1 billion to 6.1 billion. Finally, if we go back from 1750 to 1900 the growth didn’t reach one billion.
As we have seen, the population of the world is still growing, whereas between 1950 to 2000 there was a sharp increase but not much change from 1750 to 1900.
165 Word

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reflection (3)

In semester two we concentrated on two types of writing, the description of graphs and the problem and solution.
In the graph we started with pie charts then two pie charts. For example Valentine’s Day Gifts and the UK government. After that bar charts such as City Growth and Top Ten Date producing countries. The last chart was table chart like Hurricanes and Tornadoes.
In the problem and solution we have done two writings. The first one was traffic in Abu Dhabi and problem and solution in obesity. In this writing we have to write four paragraphs. The first paragraph is the introduction. The second and third paragraphs are problem and solution including examples. The final we must choose the most viable solutions.
123 Word     

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Line Graph

Three African Cities

The line graph gives information about the average monthly temperatures in three African cities - Mombasa, Cairo, and Cape Town. Each city has its own different climate, with very different characteristics.

The hottest place shown on the graph is Cairo. In July and August, average temperatures rise to over 80º Fahrenheit. However, Cairo also has the biggest variation in climate.Temperatures drop to as low as 55 degrees in Cairo’s winter, during January and February. This is equal to Cape Town’s lowest temperature in July. In fact Cairo and Cape Town are almost opposites in temperature. Cairo is hottest when Cape Town is coldest.

Cape Town does not have the range that Cairo has. Its maximum temperature is 70º F from November to February, after which it drops gradually to about 55 degrees in its winter. In contrast to Cairo or Cape Town,

Mombasa is warm all year round. Its temperature fluctuates very little, ranging from a low of 75 to a maximum of 83 in March.

In conclusion, location is very important in deciding climate. When it is winter in Cairo, it is summer in Cape Town, but Mombasa, being tropical, is warm all year round.

196 words

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hurricanes and Tornadoes

This table shows the differences between two very strong winds, hurricanes and tornadoes.
There are several features of the winds. The minimum wind speed for hurricanes is 74 miles per hour, whereas for tornadoes it is 40 miles per hour. However the maximum wind speed for hurricanes is between 155 to 200 miles per hour, whereas tornadoes have got 250 to 300 miles per hour. The hurricane classification scale is the Saffir, Simpson C1to C5, whereas the tornadoes classification scale is the Fujita F0 to F5. Hurricanes can last one week on average, but tornadoes only last a few minutes or sometimes up to a few hours. In addition a hurricane has 300 miles of average width of storm. However tornadoes have 100 to 600 meters and some up to 1.5 km wide. Hurricanes can usually be predicted in advance, whereas tornadoes can’t. Finally, hurricanes start over warm oceans, but tornadoes usually start over land.
As you have seen, the tornadoes cause much damage in a few minutes with maximum wind speed 300 miles per hour, but a hurricane's duration will be one week on average.
182 Word

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bar Graph of City Growth

This bar graph has information on  the fastest growing cities in the world between 1950 and 2015. It is divided into nine cities.
The fastest growth of population was in Tokyo; it has a population of 25 million. However London has got less growth of population at 8 million. The population of New York between 1950 and 2000 sharply increased. In 2000 Bombay and Mexico City had the same population. In 2015 the three fastest growing cities were Tokyo, Bombay and Lagos. What’s more Shanghai had a steady rise, but it didn’t pass 15 million. However Cairo has a gradual increase of population but it does rise to more than 12 million. In London the population from 1970 to 2015 shows a slow decrease.  Lagos has the fastest growth of all cities. Finally, in Sao Paolo the population hugely increased from 1970 to 2015. Also Bombay has a sharp increase in population between 2000 and 2015.
As you have seen, Lagos is the fastest growing city, but Tokyo has the biggest population. While London is the slowest growing city in the chart.
 184 Words

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

traffic in Abu Dhabi

Nowadays, many large cities likes Abu Dhabi suffer from traffic congestion and there are many causes and solutions, which I am going to write about.
The first problem that causes traffic is the growing population, for example the numbers of cars per house hold. Another problem is economic development, for example export of oil. A further problem is construction, for example built new large builds without parking which causes heavy traffic. One more problem is many young drivers cause accidents; why ? Because they don’t have good driving education. Another problem is concentration of firms and colleges in one area; for example Khalife Street has several firms such as Al Salam hospital, National Bank of Abu Dhabi and the University of the Emirates. Finally, nowadays a lot of large buildings are built without parking, for example Hamden Street's buildings and Khalifa Street's buildings.
One solution to reduce the traffic congestion is to improve the existing system, for example skyline. Another solution is to the limit number of cars per house hold. A further solution is introducing staggered hours, for example not all people should start working at 8.0' clock. Another solution is to educate drivr and have a stiffer test. Another solution is paid parking; for example build underground parking and Mwagaf paid parking. Also there is another solution, relocation firms, for example the new women's college in Khalife city A and Yas city recreational. Another solution is people should use the public transport such as taxics and buses. Finally, people should got more fines and black points for offences.
As we have seen, these are several solution, but the three most viable solutions are relocation the concentration of firms, staggered hours and paid parking.
296 words  

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Problems and Solutions in Weight

Nowadays many people in the UAE are obese or very weight. In this time there are different kinds of fast food restaurants. I am going to write about the problem and suggest solutions.
The main reason for this problem is lack of exercise. This means lots of people don’t play sport. However the government builds many places that people can use for sport such as running, cycling and basketball. Another problem is some people over eat; for example at the lunch time they eat fat food mixing it with types of sugary food. Furthermore they are a number of new restaurants, for example McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC and Dunkin' Donuts. Finally, many people comfort eat, for example when they are sad they eat a lot.
One solution is to reduce the weight. This can be done by eating fruit and vegetables. However there are some kinds of restaurants which sell healthier food such as Subway. Another possible solution is health clubs where people can do exercise, for example the Gulf Healthy Club and the horse riding club. A further solution to reduce weight is to educate people to control eating, for example by TV and reading books. Finally, people should go to the doctor to have routine medical checks.
As you have seen, these are some ideas to help solve the problem. The most viable solution is eating healthy food, taking exercise and routine medicals.
233 Words    

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Synonyms and Antonyms

Glade, pleased
Sad, unhappy, miserable, blue
Scream, yell, shriek
Smart, intelligent, bright
Dumb, stupid, dull, slow, dim
Easy, straightforward
Hard, difficult, complex
Lovely, pretty
Rude, impolite
Rise, growth
Decrease, drop, fall
Rise, go up
Descend, go down
Speed up, go faster
Slow down, decelerate
Small, minute, tiny, minor
Big, large, huge, massive, colossal, enormous, gigantic
Statement = Address

Protestors = demonstrators

Ousted = deposed

Stop = Cease

Weep = Cry

non-stop = continuous

Serious = Grave

Velocity = speed

breaking out = Erupting

showed off = paraded

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Top Ten Date-Producing Countries

The bar chart shows the top ten date producing countries and their annual production in tonnes in 2001.  Egypt  produced the most dates.
The top three producers were Egypt, Iran and the UAE. While the smaller producers  are Libya, Sudan and Algeria. What's more is Egypt has 200,000 tonnes more than Iran. In addition the UAE has twice as many tonnes as Algeria. Furthermore 2,700,000 tons of dates were produced by Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE . The six countries which produced more than half a million tonnes are Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Libya and Sudan accounted for  less than 200,000 tonnes, while Oman's production was a fifth of Egypt’s figure. However Libya produces fewer dates than the other nine countries. Finally, the only two countries which had the same tonnes were Iraq and Pakistan.
As you have seen, dates became one of the most popular product in the world.  Egypt has got more tonnes than any other country.
162 Words

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine’s Day Gifts

The two pie charts compare the types of gifts that men and women in the USA buy for each other on Valentine’s Day.
First, the top three gifts are cards, candy and flowers. More women buy candy and cards then men.  More men, 10% bought perfume and cologne whereas 4% of women bought them. In addition 1% of women bought spa and personal care, but 6% of men bought them. Men and women bought nearly the same percent in jewelry gifts. Although seven percent of men prefer to buy lingerie, fewer women prefer to buy lingerie.
To conclude, the most popular gift that men and women would like to buy is cards. Also between 17% to 25% men and women prefer to buy other gifts.
131 words 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

UK Government pie chart

This pie chart has information on what the UK government spent in 1996. The total budget was £ 315 billion, divided into ten categories.
The highest budget category is spent on social security and it cost £ 100 billion. However health and personal social services came in second position and it cost £ 53 billion. The debt interest, defence, and other expenditure all had budgets between £ 22 to 25 billion. The third highest budget went to education and it cost £ 38 billion. The budget in housing heritage and environment cost £ 15 billion, whereas law and order cost £ 17 billion. Also the government spent £ 13 billion on industry, agriculture and employment. The lowest budget was the transport and it cost only £ 9 billion.
This chart shows us that the social security had the biggest share of the UK government spending in 1996.
Words 152